Jag hitta en kul lista Connor och jag gjorde.. Haha, dom tjocka ar dom som stammer!

1. You know how to pronounce Sequim, Puyallup, Enumclaw, Issaquah, Steilacoom, and Sammamish.
2. You consider swimming an indoor sport.
3. You keep snow chains in your trunk but they've never been used.
4. You see a person carrying an umbrella and know they must be a tourist.

5. Eating seafood isn't anything special.
6. Your lawn is mostly moss and you don't really care.
7. Your daily commute to work involves riding a ferry.
8. You know the difference between "showers followed by rain" and "rain followed by showers."
9. You yell at the TV if they pronounce the name of a city wrong or make an inaccurate Seattle reference on "Frasier" or "Grey's Anatomy." (So true...)
10. You rarely wash your car because it's just going to get muddy again tomorrow.
11. You have learned to assume Christmas will be rainy, not white.
12. You only visit the Space Needle if you need someplace to take out of town guests.
13. You or someone you know works at Boeing or Microsoft.
14. You feel guilty throwing something away that could be recycled.
15. You use the word "sunbreak" and know what it means.
16. You know more than 10 ways to order coffee.
17. You can point to at least 2 volcanoes even if you can't actually see them through the cloud cover.
18. You measure distance in hours. (Is this weird?)
19. You often switch from heat to a/c in your car in the same day.
20. You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit under a raincoat.
21. You get upset when a store doesn't carry your favorite brand of bottled water.
22. You can tell the difference between Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean and Thai food.
23. You can taste the difference between Starbucks, Seattle's Best and Tully's.
24. You think it's not a real mountain unless it has snow and has erupted within the last 200 years.
25. You've ever stood alone on a deserted street corner in the rain.
26. You know what a Frango is.
27. You have an earthquake story, and so does everyone else you know.
28. You know what 'Sodo Mojo' is.
29. You think it's not a real windstorm until your lawn ornaments blow away.
30. You know exactly where Tom Hank's boathouse was in "Sleepless In Seattle." 31. You've used every setting on your intermittent wipers. (In one drive, nonetheless!)

32. You know you better enjoy the snow the first day it falls before the rain washes it away.
33. You can't imagine living through a tornado or hurricane but you secretly think earthquakes are kind of fun.
34. You lose your sense of direction if you go east of the Cascade mountains.
35. You know the difference between a rhododendron and an azalea.
36. You know what a Dick's Deluxe is.
37. You or your family member live "in the woods."
38. You can endure 100 days of rain and wind but an inch of snow means school cancellations.
39. You know the difference between an evergreen and a deciduous tree.
40. You don't know what a turnpike is and have never paid a toll to drive over a bridge.
41. You change your wiper blades more often than your oil.
42. When someone honks at you, you think they are trying to say "hi."
43. You prefer one mountain range to the other.
44. You get pissed when you watch 10 Things I Hate About You, because you know that Stadium High School is not in Seattle.
45. You never ever drive in the far right lane on the freeway. Keep right except to pass is a sign you choose to be blind to.
46. You feel overdressed wearing a suit to a nice restaurant
47. You always have to specify "Washington state" instead of just saying Washington because of D.C.
48. You do the "Washington Wave" when someone lets you cut in front of them in the freeway. 49. You say "pop" instead of "soda."
50. You've attended a wedding where the bride and groom registered at REI.
51. You know what an "oh shit" handle is.
52. You can locate at least 20 teriyaki places.
53. You still call it The Bon even though now it's Macy's.
54. When you get mad when people dont use their blinker.
55. You know that "The Wave" started in Seattle at Husky Stadium.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Anonym sa...

    oj det var mycket på engelska. jag fattar men det tar lite tid för en nörd att läsa. Kul att du har en med bloggare denna gång.
    Kramisar mamma  

  2. Anonym sa...

    Listans punkter påminner rätt mycket om Nykvarn. Sällan snön ligger kvar så det går att åka på den och man är definitivt avvikande med kostym på lokala restaurangerna, som faktiskt blivit fler sedan du åkte :-).  

  3. Anonym sa...

    grattis till laxen!
    Anne har berättat om din fångst.
    Du får skicka mail sen och berätta mer om hur din dag var på sjön.
    Godnatt och kram.  

  4. Anonym sa...

    vad är punkterna bra för... skoj förstås. Verkar mera som "sadistiska" centralbyrån som ringer o frågar om allt eller inget. Dom heter förstås Statistiska men jag tycker dom är sadister. Nu har ju ni mera kul än dom. Följ upp o se hur det är om ett tag.
    Kram i kylan  

  5. Anonym sa...

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